christian drug treatment centers differentChristian drug treatment centers are not typical rehabs, but how are they different? There are a number of factors that make Christian drug treatment centers a better choice if you need substance abuse help. These centers include treating the spiritual components of addiction, in addition to the physical and psychological components. With addiction all of the contributing factors must be addressed and dealt with for permanent healing and a complete recovery. Unlike Christian drug treatment centers most rehabs do not discuss or treat any spiritual contributors to your drug and alcohol use, and this means that you will eventually relapse in almost every case.


Christian drug treatment centers involve the belief in a higher power, and they offer spiritual healing. In many cases invisible spiritual wounds cause the substance abuse, and treating the causes can eliminate the problem. Some Christian drug treatment centers offer highly effective therapy and treatment methods, while others may only include the basics in any treatment program. Just like any other type of rehab the treatment types, techniques, and costs can vary widely, so you should carefully evaluate any of the Christian drug treatment centers on your list carefully. Make sure that any program you choose offers one on one individual counseling for the best possible results.


Very few upscale Christian drug treatment centers are like Valiant Recovery, which offers a program designed for success. Features including individual counseling, a customized treatment plan, and an upscale setting combine with spiritual healing to ensure that your recovery lasts. Luxury Christian drug treatment centers combine comfort and elegance with exceptional personal service and amenities, so that you can relax and simply focus on getting better. A typical rehab is crowded, with conditions that cause stress. It is not possible to heal in these conditions, which is why these rehabs have such a high relapse rate.


Christian drug treatment centers are not all the same, even though they all may address the spiritual causes of substance abuse. Valiant Recovery offers a proven history of success, and a program which has been shown to be most effective at complete recovery. These treatment methods and techniques can be costly, but when it comes to your recovery only the best is good enough. Some Christian drug treatment centers have high relapse rates, which means you come back many times. When you add up all of these visits, plus the devastation that addiction causes in your life, isn’t it better to get the best treatment money can buy the first time around?